Succeed with industry 4.0 transformation:
Stratascale Horizon Report

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Industrial organizations are increasingly using technology to become – and stay – competitive. At the same time, many of them struggle to modernize their shop floor: integrating Operations Technology (OT) with existing IT infrastructure isn’t always as straightforward as it could be.

As a result, these organizations often fall short when trying to take advantage of interconnected Industry 4.0 technologies, like industrial IoT, cloud, and advanced analytics.

This Horizon Report, the fifth in our Cloud Ascension series, offers actionable, insightful guidance to successful IT/OT convergence by looking beyond the technologies themselves. To realize the full potential of Industry 4.0-based initiatives, organizations must broaden their focus beyond the technology, and fundamentally merge their people, process, and culture, as well.

Click to read Stratascale Horizon Report #18 – Cloud Ascension (Vol. 5) – Succeed with Industry 4.0 Transformation: Guidance to Accelerate IT/OT Convergence