Consider this before renewing your Microsoft Enterprise Agreement:
June 30 is a popular renewal date – and right around the corner. Use this time wisely to get the most out of your licensing.

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Microsoft’s end of fiscal year, June 30, is rapidly approaching. If you’re like most organizations with a Microsoft Enterprise Agreement (EA), then chances are this date lines up with your upcoming annual renewal or true-up.

With remote and hybrid workforces, mass migrations to the cloud, and unprecedented state-sponsored cyberattacks, organizations have seen major shifts in their IT operations. With renewal season upon us, now is the perfect time to evaluate whether the way you were licensing your servers and software 1, 2, or 3 years ago is still the best way for you to license them today.

Believe it or not, renewals can be flexible

Now more than ever, software licensing needs to be as flexible as you are. Microsoft has recently adjusted their licensing options in ways that may be a better fit than your current agreement, such as their Cloud Solutions Provider (CSP) program, which allows customers and their preferred Microsoft CSP partner to have more integral roles in the selection, deployment, and management of software.

With support from Microsoft licensing experts, you can learn how to pair these offerings with your existing agreements or overhaul your current processes altogether. Before renewing your current Microsoft agreement, consider how SHI’s team of ridiculously helpful Microsoft resources can help you:

  • Plan your IT roadmap and determine the best licensing methods to meet your goals
  • Discover changes and updates to Microsoft licensing, as well as new product and feature enhancements available to your IT staff
  • Reduce the risk of a Microsoft audit with license/deployment comparisons
  • Identify potential duplicate, redundant, or obsolete licenses within your agreement

Maximize your Microsoft ROI

Software becomes unused when it is unwanted or unknown. That’s why ensuring your teams have full awareness of the tools at their disposal is key to maximizing the ROI of your Microsoft renewal. We can help with adoption and change management (ACM) strategies that allow you to train users on mission-critical software and drive adoption for new or unused tools.

By following an expert-built ACM plan, you can better determine what licenses are key for your organization and where you can save by nixing those you don’t need. What remains can be a core portfolio of software licenses that help meet your organization’s objectives while increasing user productivity.

SHI is here to help

With over 200 Microsoft licensing experts and engineers at your disposal, it’s no wonder why SHI is the trusted Microsoft partner for countless organizations across the globe. If you’d like further insight for structuring your Microsoft Enterprise Agreement, read our 4-step plan for optimizing EA renewals.

If you’re ready to take the next step in building out an EA renewal that truly aligns with your organization, contact an SHI Microsoft expert today.