Next-Generation Infrastructure

Analysis, opinion, and how-to information from SHI’s cloud and data center experts

Four steps to Azure cost optimization:
Identify and address your biggest spend risks.

July 10, 2024
Here are the steps you should take to optimize Azure spend and usage, as well as common pitfalls to avoid.

From gray to red: Why gray market IT is bad for business:
The gray market’s short-term savings are never worth the long-term consequences.

June 28, 2024
Are SMBs saving money by purchasing gray market IT? No – in many cases, it’s costing them more than they imagined.

IT infrastructure for R1 institutions: Sharpen your sphere with confidence:
Cutting-edge research demands cutting-edge IT infrastructure.

June 26, 2024
For R1 institutions, cutting-edge research demands cutting-edge IT infrastructure. Here's how SHI can help.

Is your Cisco last day of support coming up? Here’s how to prepare early:
LDOS, EOL, EOS … it’s a lot to keep up with. Our Cisco experts make it make sense.

June 21, 2024
Facing the end of support can feel like a fork in the road. With visibility and guidance, you can easily navigate your next steps.

Artificial intelligence dominates Cisco Live 2024 amid ambitious innovations:
Explore Cisco's vision for the AI-powered future.

June 14, 2024
AI dominates Cisco Live 2024 as Hypershield, Cisco's Splunk acquisition, and new talent initiatives pave the future.

Next-generation jumpstart services: Maximize your cloud investment:
Transform your IT infrastructure with expert support

April 22, 2024
Streamline your cloud journey for greater efficiency, improved sustainability, and faster time to market.

Power cloud excellence and peace of mind with next-generation data centers:
Future-ready solutions that you can get today

April 1, 2024
SHI makes your data work for you with cloud strategies and data center solutions that fit your business needs.
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