You’re not alone: How SHI validates endpoint security decision making:
SHI Labs take the guesswork out of buying effective cybersecurity

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The global pandemic strongly influenced remote work, but the work-from-home model has highlighted some weaknesses in endpoint security, including laptops, workstations, and other mobile devices outside of the corporate network.

Protecting the endpoint and all resident data has become a focal point for organizations, since many endpoints now primarily reside on home networks that are likely not as secure as the corporate network.

Endpoint is the tip of the spear, the most common attack surface for bad actors.

According to Ponemon Institute, 68% of organizations have experienced one or more endpoint attacks that successfully compromised their data, IT infrastructure, or both. The same report found that these attacks increased since the year prior.

The threat of cyberattacks is not the only challenge organizations and security teams face. A study by CSO Online found that organizations only use 72% of their purchased and contracted security products or services.

A recent “Gartner® survey finds that (the) majority of technology purchases come with a high degree of regret.*” Some major factors include the increasing number of choices and lack of unbiased, empirical evidence to determine your most effective solution. Keep in mind, effectiveness for security is not just the power of the feature set but also involves your team’s ability to implement and manage its power and your employees’ willingness to adopt it.

According to the survey from Gartner, “67% of people involved in technology-buying decisions are not in IT which means that anyone could be a tech buyer for their organization.*” IT leaders need to find new ways to influence stakeholders and convey their needs. This is particularly important when it comes to security, when any delay in shoring up a vulnerability could give a bad actor an opening.

Challenges around IT decision making

The IT purchasing process is time-consuming and ties up valuable IT personnel who need to focus on generating revenue and supporting their customers and employees.

And while research is a substantial resource, each organization has its own specific needs. Just because a solution scored well for one company, doesn’t mean it will be a great fit for your unique environment.

Every OEM highlights the benefits of their solution, but without seeing how the solution actually functions in your environment, you are forced to purchase before testing for real results. You know how a technology is supposed to work, but how do you know it will work in your specific environment – without deploying the tech in a simulated environment and seeing how it reacts?

How SHI solves what’s next

With SHI Labs, you can not only combat these challenges but speed up your decision making while taking the guesswork out of your IT purchase process.

Our endpoint lab allows you to evaluate multiple solutions side-by-side, experiencing all the features and functionalities of top endpoint solutions in an environment similar to your own.

SHI Labs can show real-time results of the solutions’ security efficacy and provide custom scorecards of each solution to help you understand how they address your requirements. The workshop outputs an objective score based on business metrics like cost, manageability, and user impact, and reporting and security metrics like accuracy (false vs. true positives), feature parity, ransomware protection, and MITRE Att&ck emulations.

We rely on real performance data, tested in our lab against 40+ use cases curated from thousands of customers of different industries and sizes, to make data-informed solution recommendations independent of any jargon or sales tactics.

The impact of results

SHI Labs’ method of testing removes all the hype and reveals the true performance of the endpoint solution. Answer questions that you didn’t even know to ask, extract hidden details and challenges when you put a technology through its paces in our interactive lab, and see how the solution reacts to different scenarios.

By utilizing SHI Labs, you get empirical data for more confident IT decision making. Because you’ve seen how the solution works first-hand, you can eliminate buyer’s remorse and have fewer surprises after the purchase – no more leaps of faith.

Whether it’s finance, HR, operations, or IT, you can now streamline the purchasing process by providing data that’s relevant to each stakeholder’s key objectives – which means less delay in implementing and securing your endpoint technology.

Our experts understand this threat vector and can help you evaluate your current endpoint strategy for a better security posture. From mitigating risk to balancing complexity for users and administrators, find the best endpoint solution for your organization and schedule your interactive workshop today.


*Gartner Press Release, Gartner Survey Finds That Majority of Technology Purchases Come with High Degree of Regret, July 2022

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