
Got questions? Get the answers you need from SHI experts and partners to your most pressing information technology challenges

How AI-powered devices boost performance, security, and efficiency:
SHI, AMD, Dell, and Google ChromeOS discuss how AI is creating a productivity explosion.

June 24, 2024
At SHI's EUC Summit, AMD, Dell, and Google ChromeOS join us to discuss how AI is creating a productivity explosion.

How to drive desirable outcomes with SHI’s training and adoption services:
Steer clear of blind transitions

December 18, 2023
Technology is just a vehicle for change; more important are the people driving it.

4 ways SHI and Intel enable your digital transformation:
Watch this short video to learn how our partnership works for you

December 13, 2022
SHI and Intel’s partnership enables your digital transformation with world-changing technology.

How can you improve time to value with SHI’s global network of integration centers?:
Give your business a competitive edge

November 16, 2022
Improve time to value for data center and device rollouts with SHI’s global network of integration centers.

3 ways SHI and Lenovo help you build a great hybrid workplace:
Sustainable devices and hybrid solutions built for the way you work

October 4, 2022
SHI and Lenovo help you build a great hybrid workplace with user experience at the forefront.

SHI and Morris-Union Jointure Commission: A collaborative scholastic esports facility:
A winning program to enhance student engagement

September 30, 2022
SHI partnered with Morris-Union Jointure Commission (MUJC) to integrate esports for students in a new gaming facility.

4 ways SHI and Okta accelerate your innovation through secure identity:
80% of breaches involve compromised passwords. Watch our brief video to discover how SHI and Okta can help you secure your user identities

September 9, 2022
80% of breaches involve compromised passwords. Watch our brief video to discover how SHI and Okta can help you secure your user identities.

Modernize your infrastructure with SHI:
Make innovation a priority

September 8, 2022
Develop a next-generation infrastructure that keeps pace with your ever-changing environment.

5 ways SHI and Apple can accelerate your digital transformation:
Streamline your Apple device adoption with the help of SHI.

August 12, 2022
Discover how SHI can help streamline your Apple device adoption and optimize your environment.

4 ways SHI and Fortinet deliver digital security, everywhere you need it:
Comprehensive solutions to help you stay secure.

July 15, 2022
SHI and Fortinet deliver a security strategy that is broad, integrated, and automated.

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