How to understand the true state of data security for your organization:
Don’t risk your data

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If you turn on your local news station, chances are there will be some mention of a data breach within a healthcare system you’ve heard of. The reason cyberattacks are so relevant in this sector is due to the value of protected health information (PHI), which is all identifiable health information protected under the HIPAA Privacy Rule. With healthcare being a critical infrastructure, and data breach incidents continuing to increase, it’s important your business assess the strengths and weaknesses of your current environment.

SHI offers a data-centric security approach to help address modern data center and cloud security challenges to protect your healthcare system’s business critical data across on-premises, cloud, and hybrid infrastructures. Learn the impact of data protection and the true cost of data loss.

Our experts can help you understand your current cybersecurity state through a variety of our assessments:

  • Security posture review – Take the guesswork out of your current state of network security.
  • HIPAA security assessment – Utilize the latest information security technology as we analyze your environment against HIPAA requirements.
  • Social engineering – Examine your staff through a variety of social engineering scenarios.
  • Vulnerability testing – Identify any rogue points of entry that can be detrimental to your organization.
  • Penetration testing – Simulate an attack on your system in order to find security weaknesses.

To learn more about how SHI can help assess the state of your IT security, contact us today.
