How Zero Touch X makes it easy to deploy custom devices directly to hybrid workers:
SHI’s over-the-air provisioning solution makes it easier than ever to give remote workers the tools they need to succeed.

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Whether you’re readying a single device for new hire onboarding or simultaneously deploying hundreds of units to workers across county, state, or national lines, one thing’s for sure: giving remote workers the exact device and application configurations they need is tough. Doing it flawlessly is near impossible.

Until now.

Zero Touch X, SHI’s over-the-air provisioning (OTAP) solution, modernizes your deployment strategy for the hybrid era. Powered by our certified technicians and state-of-the-art Integration Centers, Zero Touch X enables you to fully configure your device fleet with the exact policies, applications, and protocols you need to securely set your users up for success. When you’re ready, we ship the devices directly to your employees, and they’ll enjoy a ready-to-go experience from the moment they press the power button.

Read our solution brief to learn more about how you can solve what’s next for device provisioning with Zero Touch X from SHI.
