Security Operations

Leverage SHI resources to improve IT cybersecurity operations monitoring, analysis of and response to known and unknown threats

True cloud optimization:
Unlocking the potential for savings, speed, and security

March 3, 2022
Find your organization’s path to cloud optimization and learn how to control spend and improve performance.

CMMC is coming for higher education: 3 ways to prepare:
These federal protocols are designed to strengthen your security posture

March 1, 2022
Higher education organizations need to prepare for federally mandated CMMC cybersecurity regulations.

7 Ways State CISOs Can Go Bold for Cybersecurity

January 26, 2022
Favorable laws and new funding bring state CISOs opportunities to build out their cybersecurity environments.

Are we sacrificing security at the altar of simplicity?

July 7, 2021
When it comes to data security, do you care more about your personal data or your corporate data?

Innovation Heroes: Cybersecurity in a post-pandemic world:
Season 2, Episode 7

July 1, 2021
Learn tips to keep your infrastructure, employees, and data safe in the post-pandemic climate.

Hybrid Workforce Series: Extended Detection & Response (XDR)

April 27, 2021
Learn more about unified endpoint protection and using coordinated defense networks to improve security operations.

Cybersecurity Zero Trust Series – Identity Management:
Stratascale Horizon Report

March 23, 2021
This Horizon Report identifies how IT leaders should develop an effective zero trust strategy and roadmap.

American Rescue Plan Act includes $633 billion for ‘IT-related’ funds:
Here’s how the money is being distributed

March 11, 2021
Here’s how $633 billion in funding for IT-related projects are broken down and how to take advantage.

Modern identity and access management:
How to lock down one of the weakest parts of your security

March 9, 2021
Look at common identity protection mistakes and best practices for implementing access management solutions.

4 areas dominating the education technology landscape

February 25, 2021
Learn how COVID-19 drove hybrid learning, immersive technologies, esports, and cybersecurity in K-12.

Top 3 security initiatives: Your straightforward cybersecurity guide:
Get your ebook to better support your hybrid workforce

February 18, 2021
An eGuide to Supporting Your Hybrid Workforce from the cybersecurity experts at SHI

Setting the stage for your hybrid work initiatives

February 9, 2021
Organizations must prepare to commit to the hybrid work environment. But what is it, and what technologies does it require? Join us as we kick off a new series.

New COVID-19 relief bill includes $240 billion for public sector tech initiatives

January 21, 2021
The new coronavirus stimulus package includes $240 billion in IT-related funding. What does this mean for the public sector? Let's explore.

Foxconn, FireEye, and SolarWinds: Key takeaways from high-profile breaches:
Strengthening your cyber defenses has never been more important

December 15, 2020
Between January and October, 36 billion records were exposed in data breaches. Here’s an overview of some of the latest high-profile cyberattacks, and what they teach us about cyber defense.

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