End-User Computing

The latest end-user friendly technologies, resources, and best practices to support a hybrid workforce

TCEA Convention & Expo brings educators back together after 2 years:
Staying connected in a world of hybrid education

March 7, 2022
The TCEA Convention & Exposition highlighted ways to better engage students in a hybrid world as educators came together for the first time in two years.

How to support BYOD in the hybrid workplace

November 19, 2021
Learn the three necessary steps to making BYOD in a hybrid work environment successful.

Windows 365 is VDI with a twist: Device freedom:
A solution built for the hybrid workforce

October 14, 2021
With Windows 365, the grim reality of a hardware shortage isn’t so problematic. Read on to find out why.

The great EUC device shortage continues:
Prepare for the long haul with SHI's four-step device strategy

September 22, 2021
End-user device shortages continue with no clear end in sight. Be prepared with SHI’s 4-step device strategy.

Bridging the physical/digital divide with immersive technologies:
Can technology turn us into superhumans?

September 3, 2021
In this week's Something for the Weekend post, we explore how technology could create superhumans.

4 steps to delivering a modern end-user experience:
The evolution of the modern workplace is redefining traditional norms and perceptions

August 19, 2021
Here are 4 steps IT can take to deliver a modern end-user experience to employees regardless of location.

Something for the Weekend: Neurodiversity and the skills gap:
Could hybrid working allow neurodiversity to solve the post-COVID skills shortage?

August 6, 2021
With many organizations struggling to recruit and retain skilled employees, diversity is key to filling the gaps.

Could technology drive a pink-collar resurgence?

July 9, 2021
Can technology developments to support remote work during the pandemic improve gender equality as we return to the office?

What I’ve learned from 10 years of remote working:
A look into the challenges and triumphs of working remote and the evolution of remote work technology

July 1, 2021
As we start to return to the office, we need to maintain equality between office-based, remote, and hybrid workers.

Case Study: Device as a Service delivers $6M in cost savings

May 24, 2021
This case study demonstrates how Device as a Service can both improve efficiency and cut costs.

Hybrid Workforce Series: Managing end-user devices

May 18, 2021
Learn how SHI is helping customers deliver devices and support to end users wherever and whenever needed.

Cisco Live 2021 offers comprehensive approach to digital transformation:
SHI has the takeaways.

April 30, 2021
Cisco reveals products and focus around four key customer priorities at Cisco Live 2021.

Will hybrid working mean a more equal workplace?

April 29, 2021
Can technology and hybrid working make the workplace more accessible to people with disabilities?

3 ways to address end-user device challenges

April 28, 2021
Learn how SHI helps customers overcome end-user device challenges with Device-as-a-Service.

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