What’s the secret to building a better hybrid workplace?:
Learn how to build a solution that enhances collaboration and productivity across devices and locations

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With employees distributed all over the map, creating a workplace that not only preserves capabilities, but also inspires innovation is critical to long-term success. The reality of hybrid is that 98% of meetings in the future will include people who aren’t in the room. Knowing this, we have an opportunity to design a hybrid workplace that is intentional about inclusivity and seamless experiences regardless of location.

Inclusive tools

Synergizing your teams’ experiences across devices – whether they’re in an office, at home, or on the road – minimizes adjustment time and provides confidence in their work regardless of location. Providing cloud-driven workspaces give you the flexibility to personalize their experience and ensure productivity anywhere – from the devices you choose, or in the platforms you use, or in the way they access the data they need.

You can do the research yourself or work with a trusted partner to figure out the right combination of tools to get you where you need to be. Either way, make sure that everything – from planning and deployment to management and refreshing/recycling – aligns with your business goals and provides a seamless experience for your users.

Understanding collaboration and communication patterns

Using the industry-leading collaboration and communication tools from Microsoft, Cisco, Google, VMware powered by Intel©, Apple, and others, you can build a digital workplace that brings your people together to thrive. Innovation happens when there is space to look forward, ask questions, and bring big ideas to the right people. Making space for innovation adds importance to the decision of what technology you should use in your hybrid workplace.

The goal isn’t just to find a solution that works, but to find the solution that works for everyone. Function matters, but so does experience and sentiment. Understanding how your employees work is just as important as accommodating where they work.

Digital workplace adoption

While training is a crucial (and often underutilized) part of technology adoption, it is only one facet of an effective adoption strategy. Adoption is full buy in – jumping in, swimming around, and soaking up every opportunity to leverage new features that make life easier.

Company-wide adoption of even the most perfect digital workplace doesn’t happen by accident. Communication is intentional. The message is specific. The benefits are clear. When that happens, employees are excited to learn and then share their knowledge.

Historically, this is an area where organizations try to save money. Time and money lost by confused and frustrated employees costs far more than the investment in a full adoption strategy. Smart companies bring in dedicated experts to help ensure the right plan for maximum adoption.

Choose technology that moves you

Many solutions exist that aim to propel businesses into the hybrid future, making it more important than ever for you to understand your organization’s unique needs and goals – because a hybrid solution that works for all your teams won’t be one-size-fits-all.

The right technology stack will inspire your employees and move your business forward. Getting bogged down in the details of individual technologies can be overwhelming. Many of our strategic partners offer industry-leading remote device technology, but which solution is right for you?

Instead of focusing on the technology, talk with your trusted technology partner about your vision. A ridiculously helpful and experienced partner will help align the right solutions to move your people and company forward, freeing your team from the painstaking research required to sift through dozens of solutions.

If you’re ready to create a solution that future-proofs your digital workplace, speak with our hybrid workplace specialists today.