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Katrina Adkins

Public Sector Director of Education Strategy

Dr. Katrina Adkins worked at SHI from 2019-22.

Recent Content by Katrina Adkins

5 actions higher education institutions must take to modernize student learning spaces:
How to create experiential environments that align with how your students learn

October 19, 2022
Education is constantly evolving. Classrooms must now be designed to infuse technology and fuel creativity.

The future of esports in the public and private sectors:
From libraries to airports to the metaverse, our esports experts reveal the future of scholastic esports

May 6, 2022
As scholastic esports grow in popularity and acceptance, SHI predicts future growth in the public sector.

Building an esports curriculum: 6 principles for success:
Tailor your program to your school’s needs

April 18, 2022
Learn how to develop and launch an esports curriculum that meets student education needs and institutional body standards.

Effective Scholastic Esports:
Building blocks for assembling your winning team

April 1, 2022
SHI has identified what it takes to create and implement a winning scholastic esports program.

How to successfully implement online learning during coronavirus and beyond

March 30, 2020
Whether your school has already instituted online learning practices or you’re still forming the best course of action, these 4 steps will give you the best chance of success.

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