From the floor of Microsoft Inspire: Microsoft Teams, Azure, and AI:
Want to know what has us excited and why?

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SHI experts descended on Las Vegas early yesterday for Microsoft Inspire, Microsoft’s conference for partners. Since then, we’ve been busy recapping keynotes, showing off some of Microsoft’s latest tech, and highlighting what you need to know on SHI’s Twitter handle.

Want to know what has us excited and why? We’re going to take you on a fast-paced journey through the event so far.

Some of the best insight into Microsoft’s plans and current status came from the Corenote, where Microsoft discussed everything from Microsoft Teams to Azure to artificial intelligence (AI).

Shannon Sigmon, the Sr. Director of Microsoft Sales and Business Development at SHI, breaks down what she heard during the Corenote about building business relationships.

Meanwhile, Angela Cope, Manager – Partner Digital Marketing at SHI, is looking forward to hearing more about Microsoft Teams. While it didn’t sound like many people were actively using Teams when Microsoft’s Gavriella Schuster asked the audience, she said that adoption rates of Teams is surpassing that of SharePoint at a similar point in its lifecycle.

Microsoft also took the time to highlight some key new wins in the Corenote, including Bank of America, Barclays, Unilever, Coca Cola, and more. Microsoft is securing business across all industries.

Another large focus of the Corenote was Azure. Schuster said Azure migrations would be one of its biggest opportunities this year. And maybe you didn’t realize it, but some of the largest Azure users are gaming companies.

What do we have to look forward to from Microsoft? Its innovation areas focus on four buckets: the modern workplace, business applications, applications and infrastructure, and data and AI.

A lot of people are looking forward to that AI bucket. After the conference, the AI section of the conference was the most trafficked area I saw.

That’s a wrap on Microsoft Inspire so far, but we’re continuing to send out live updates on SHI’s Twitter handle. If you prefer the blog format, check back here tomorrow for more highlights from our SHI experts.