By Brian Carufe In Digital Workplace, End-User ComputingPosted September 29, 2023Hispanic Heritage Month: How your STEM program’s tech is secretly shaping your tomorrowReading Time: 5 READ MORE
By Lori Whitt, Adam Morris In Digital Workplace, End-User ComputingPosted August 18, 2023Game-based learning: 4 astonishing ways to score student engagementReading Time: 4 READ MORE
By SHI Staff In Digital Workplace, End-User ComputingPosted April 20, 2023SHI Education: Elevate your teaching and learning environment with innovative technologyReading Time: < 1 READ MORE
By SHI Staff In Digital Workplace, End-User ComputingPosted February 21, 2023Innovation Heroes: Esports and the future of technology in K-12 educationReading Time: 2 READ MORE
By SHI Staff In Next-Generation InfrastructurePosted September 30, 2022SHI and Morris-Union Jointure Commission: A collaborative scholastic esports facilityReading Time: < 1 READ MORE
By Katrina Adkins In Digital Workplace, End-User Computing, Featured, Featured Sidebar, Mobility, Modern Desktop, Next-Generation Infrastructure, Unified Communications and CollaborationPosted June 23, 2022Title IX turns 50: An ardent and overdue appeal for equality in esportsReading Time: 3 READ MORE
By Katrina Adkins In Digital Workplace, End-User Computing, Next-Generation InfrastructurePosted May 23, 2022Actually, video games are great! Here’s why we encourage esports in educationReading Time: 3 READ MORE
By Katrina Adkins, Michael Esolda In End-User Computing, Infrastructure, Networking, Next-Generation InfrastructurePosted May 6, 2022The future of esports in the public and private sectorsReading Time: 4 READ MORE
By Katrina Adkins, Greg Cassiere, Melissa McEntee In Digital Workplace, End-User ComputingPosted April 18, 2022Building an esports curriculum: 6 principles for successReading Time: 4 READ MORE
By Katrina Adkins, Bradford Harris In Digital Workplace, End-User ComputingPosted April 1, 2022Effective Scholastic EsportsReading Time: < 1 READ MORE