Innovation Heroes: Hotels of the future:
Season 1, Episode 2

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A few months before the pandemic hit, Intel helped create The Sinclair, easily one of the coolest, most futuristic hotels you’ve ever seen.

Nine months later, the innovations that went into making The Sinclair special seem almost prophetic. From IoT-connected kitchens to real-time analytics and artificial intelligence (AI), this all-digital hotel provides a spark of hope for an industry struggling with unprecedented challenges.

On the latest episode of SHI’s Innovation Heroes, host Peter Bean interviews Stacey Shulman, Vice President at Intel IoT. Together, they discuss the changes the tourism industry is making to keep guests safe and how hotels like The Sinclair might reveal the technological path forward to keeping the industry alive.

Listen now to the latest episode from SHI’s Innovation Heroes on Apple, Google or wherever you get your podcasts.