Innovation Heroes podcast season four is now live!:
The popular series featuring the visionaries driving IT innovation returns

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The first four episodes of SHI’s next podcast season tell you where our heads are right now: automation, imagination, and lots and lots of security.

If you agree that sounds about right for an IT organization, you will want to subscribe to season four of Innovation Heroes!

Starting October 6, we’ll introduce you to 10 more unsung heroes radically changing the way we live and work. From C-Suite executives to startup visionaries, our guests will give you the advice and inspiration you need to tackle the major challenges facing transformational businesses.

Stacey Shulman gets us started by sharing her take on how increasing automation can mitigate the effects of the current Labor Crisis. Intel’s VP of Health, Education and Consumer Industries (and Innovation Heroes series veteran) has some great advice for organizations starting to support transformation through automation – and it’s not as complex as you might think!

In the following weeks, we’ll talk with other heroes about everything from reintroducing how we share an experience of a business or a brand (after two years by ourselves), to how we address both IT and personal security.

Spoiler alert: self-driving robot security guards are part of the conversation!

Tune in every two weeks to see what the future looks like – and to make sure you’re up to date on the latest and greatest stories driving technological innovation.

Don’t forget to subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts.

For more on SHI, visit