Innovation Heroes: The No Ivy League:
Season 1, Episode 1

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In our first-ever episode of Innovation Heroes, a new podcast from SHI, we’re digging into one of the most striking disruptions we’ve seen from the pandemic so far: the total up-ending of our educational institutions and norms.

Almost overnight nearly a billion students, parents, and teachers were forced to adapt to a new way of doing things. What impact will this new world of education have in the long run? Post-secondary institutions are where the leaders of tomorrow are shaped. What does it mean when the physical college campus goes kaput?

To facilitate this conversation, podcast host Peter Bean met with Nina Angelo, VP of Product Marketing at Top Hat, a disruptive technology company whose mission is to kill the “sage on the stage” model of traditional education.

Top Hat’s active learning platform helps professors and institutions like Rutgers University engage and motivate students using a variety of online, blended, and face-to-face features and applications. These include virtual classrooms, live lectures, chat and discussions, attendance trackers, and interactive textbooks. In the wake of COVID, their solutions are more relevant than ever.

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